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Marshall Goldsmith
What Got You Here Won't Get You There
How Successful People Become Even More Successful
Hyperion, 2007
What's inside?
The behaviors people use to climb the ladder might be the very characteristics that make them slip and fall.
You've worked hard, sacrificed and devoted yourself to your career. Now you are enjoying your success, feeling confident and, yes, even a bit smug. Don't get too comfortable. Leadership expert Marshall Goldsmith is here to remind you that the very traits that enabled you to become successful might lead to your downfall. Now that you are a leader, your behavioral quirks and weaknesses take on more weight and significance, and can do more harm than they could when you were an up-and-comer. Lucky for you, Goldsmith identifies the 20 most common shortcomings and provides a seven-step procedure for improving without a complete personal makeover. Usually, making a small adjustment or simply stopping the negative behavior is all it takes. Goldsmith is respected as a savvy, insightful executive coach. The clarity, humor and down-to-earth style of his book demonstrate why. getAbstract recommends it to those who want to improve their leadership skills and keep climbing up the corporate ladder.
About the Author
Leadership expert Dr. Marshall Goldsmith has worked with more than 80 corporations. He serves on the teaching staff of the executive education program at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth. Literary agent Mark Reiter is a collaborator on 13 other books.
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