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William A. Galston

8 Article
William A. Galston
Brookings Institution, 2019
8 Article

Countering the Geography of Discontent

Strategies for Left-Behind Places
Clara Hendrickson et al.
Brookings Institution, 2018
9 Report

A Policy at Peace with Itself

Antitrust Remedies for Our Concentrated, Uncompetitive Economy
William A. Galston and Clara Hendrickson
Brookings Institution, 2018
9 Report

More Builders and Fewer Traders

A Growth Strategy for the American Economy
William A. Galston and Elaine C. Kamarck
Brookings Institution, 2015
7 Report

Do Americans Believe Capitalism and Government Are Working?

Religious Left, Religious Right and the Future of the Economic Debate
Robert P. Jones et al.
Brookings Institution Press, 2013