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Martin Lindstrom

9 Buch

Small Data

Was Kunden wirklich wollen – wie man aus winzigen Hinweisen geniale Schlüsse zieht
Martin Lindstrom
Plassen, 2016
8 Buch

Brand Sense

Warum wir starke Marken fühlen, riechen, schmecken, hören und sehen können
Martin Lindstrom
Campus, 2011
8 Buch


Warum wir kaufen, was wir kaufen
Martin Lindstrom
Campus, 2009
9 Book


Truth and Lies About Why We Buy
Martin Lindstrom
Broadway Books, 2008
9 Book

Brand Sense

Build Powerful Brands through Touch, Taste, Smell, Sight, and Sound
Martin Lindstrom
Free Press, 2005
9 Book


Remarkable Insights into the Minds of Today's Global Kids and Their Relationship with Brands
Martin Lindstrom and Patricia B. Seybold
Kogan Page, 2003