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Michael E. Porter

8 Artikel
Michael E. Porter und Nitin Nohria
Harvard Business Manager, 2018
7 Artikel
Michael E. Porter und James E. Heppelmann
Harvard Business Manager, 2018
7 Artikel
Michael E. Porter und James E. Heppelmann
Harvard Business Manager, 2015
8 Artikel
Michael E. Porter und James E. Heppelmann
Harvard Business Manager, 2014
9 Book
Michael E. Porter
Free Press, 1998
9 Book

Competitive Strategy

Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors
Michael E. Porter
Free Press, 1980
10 Book

Competitive Advantage

Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance
Michael E. Porter
Free Press, 1998
Michael E. Porter
Harvard Business Review Press, 1998
7 Artikel
Michael E. Porter
Harvard Business Manager, 2004
9 Buch
Michael E. Porter
Econ, 1999
7 Buch


Methoden zur Analyse von Branchen und Konkurrenten
Michael E. Porter
Campus, 1999