Michael Watkins


Die Kunst des strategischen Denkens

6 persönliche Kernkompetenzen für erfolgreiche Strategieentwicklung
Michael Watkins
Campus, 2024
8 Podcast
Ryan Hawk and Michael Watkins
The Learning Leader, 2016
7 Buch

Die entscheidenden 90 Tage

So meistern Sie jede neue Managementaufgabe
Michael Watkins
Campus, 2014

The First 90 Days

Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels
Michael Watkins
Harvard Business Review Press, 2013
9 Book

Breakthrough Business Negotiation

A Toolbox for Managers
Michael Watkins
Jossey-Bass, 2002
7 Book

Winning the Influence Game

What Every Business Leader Should Know About Government
Michael Watkins et al.
Wiley, 2001