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Michael J. Marquardt

8 Book

Leading with Questions

How Leaders Find the Right Solutions by Knowing What to Ask
Michael J. Marquardt
Jossey-Bass, 2014
7 Book

Optimizing the Power of Action Learning

Solving Problems and Building Leaders in Real Time
Michael J. Marquardt
Davies-Black Publishing, 2004
5 Book

Global Teams

How Top Multinationals Span Boundaries and Cultures with High-Speed Teamwork
Michael J. Marquardt and Lisa Horvath
Davies-Black Publishing, 2001
7 Book

Building the Learning Organization

Mastering the 5 Elements for Corporate Learning
Michael J. Marquardt
Davies-Black Publishing, 2002
5 Book

Action Learning in Action

Transforming Problems and People for World-Class
Michael J. Marquardt
Davies-Black Publishing, 1999