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The Future of Fatherhood
2014Aug 20
After a couple of years during which the popular conversation surrounding parenthood has centered on mothers doing things like “having it all” and “leaning in,” what are big questions facing the dads of the future? As many modern dads pick up more childcare and household responsibilities, will meaningful paternity leave ever be a reality? And if it did, how many would opt to take advantage of it? Is there a lingering unwillingness of moms to entrust a bulk of childcare duties to their partners? And even as the standards of fatherhood are being reset by the college educated in new and wonderful ways — is a new version of fatherhood out-of-reach for most middle- and working-class dads? Featuring: Kai Ryssdal, Hanna Rosin, Mark Oppenheimer and Kay Hymowitz

The Aspen Institute

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