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Carol Quinn
Uma abordagem revolucionária para contratar sempre os melhores
Alison Green
Why Aren’t They Doing the One Thing That Will Attract Them?
Jon Stross and Daniel Chait
How the Best Organizations Win through Structured and Inclusive Hiring
Peter Bell and Shannon Hogue
CTO Connection podcast
Adam Grant
Instead of focusing on credentials, let’s give candidates the chance to showcase their will and skill to learn.
Emma Goldberg
Psychometric tests like Color Code, Myers-Briggs and DiSC have become a goofy part of corporate life. But what happens when we take them seriously?
Geoff Smart and Randy Street
Solve Your #1 Problem
William Poundstone
Microsoft's Cult of the Puzzle -- How the World's Smartest Companies Select the Most Creative Thinkers
Adam Bryant
Claudio Fernández-Aráoz
Por que são tão importantes, por que são tão difíceis e como você pode dominá-las a fundo
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