Eche un vistazo a todos los resúmenes de Figure 1 Publishing.
Dan Pontefract
How to Nurture a Team that Flourishes
Celine Schillinger
The Art of Relational Leadership in a Fragmented World
Jane McConnell
Why a Bold New Breed of Employee is Your Organization’s Secret Weapon in Volatile Times
Lesley Bielby and Douglas Atkin
The Art and Science of Modern Account Planning
Beverley Patwell
Capturing the Hearts, Minds, and Souls of the People You Lead, Work With, and Serve
Mark Welch
A Guide to Building Teams that Consistently Win New Business
How to Become a Leader Who Matters
Creating a Connected and Engaged Organization
Building Meaning in Yourself, Your Role, and Your Organization
Slow Down, Think Creatively, and Make Better Decisions
Doug Stephens
The Future of Selling in a Post-Digital World
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