Alle Zusammenfassungen von New York Times Magazine auf einen Blick
Steven Johnson
OpenAIs GPT-3 und andere neuronale Netze können originelle Prosa mit verblüffender Geläufigkeit schreiben – eine Entwicklung, die tiefgreifende Auswirkungen auf die Zukunft haben könnte.
Moses Velasquez-Manoff
After years of destructive weather that have disrupted Puerto Rico’s food supplies, new visions of local agriculture are taking root.
OpenAI’s GPT-3 and other neural nets can now write original prose with mind-boggling fluency – a development that could have profound implications for the future.
Yiren Lu
Sick of boring grids of heads? A new crop of start-ups aims to bring some serendipity and spark to remote meetings. (The Future of Work)
Clive Thompson
Miserable as it can often be, remote work is surprisingly productive – leading many employers to wonder if they’ll ever go back to the office.
Emily Bazelon
So When Do We Do It?
Jim Rutenberg
How the Kremlin built one of the most powerful information weapons of the 21st century — and why it may be impossible to stop.
Alex W. Palmer
Xu Xiang was a legend in the country’s booming stock market – until the bubble he helped to create took him down with it.
Jesse Singal
Amanda Hess
Robert F. Worth
Scott Anderson
How the Arab World Came Apart