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Zusammenfassungen von Wiley

Alle Zusammenfassungen von Wiley auf einen Blick

7 Book

Cash Is King

Maintain Liquidity, Build Capital, and Prepare Your Business for Every Opportunity
Peter W. Kingma
Wiley, 2024
8 Book

Leading with Vulnerability

Unlock Your Greatest Superpower to Transform Yourself, Your Team, and Your Organization
Jacob Morgan
Wiley, 2023
8 Book

The Drama-Free Workplace

How You Can Prevent Unconscious Bias, Sexual Harassment, Ethics Lapses, and Inspire a Healthy Culture
Patti Perez
Wiley, 2019
9 Buch

Wirksames Schwachstellenmanagement

Risikomanagement in einem anfälligen digitalen Ökosystem
Chris Hughes und Nikki Robinson
Wiley, 2024
9 Book

Effective Vulnerability Management

Managing Risk in the Vulnerable Digital Ecosystem
Chris Hughes and Nikki Robinson
Wiley, 2024
9 Buch

Der Vorteil der Neurodiversität

Der unverzichtbare Leitfaden zum Umgang mit Autismus, ADHS, Legasthenie und anderen neurologischen Abweichungen
Maureen Dunne
Wiley, 2024
8 Book

Generative AI in Practice

100+ Amazing Ways Generative Artificial Intelligence is Changing Business and Society
Bernard Marr
Wiley, 2024
8 Book

The Unlocked Leader

Dare to Free Your Own Voice, Lead with Empathy, and Shine Your Light in the World
Hortense le Gentil and Caroline Lambert
Wiley, 2023
7 Book

The Adventure of Sustainable Performance

Beyond ESG Compliance to Leadership in the New Era
Dean Sanders and Stuart McLachlan
Wiley, 2023
7 Book

All Pride, No Ego

A Queer Executive’s Journey to Living and Leading Authentically
Jim Fielding
Wiley, 2023
9 Book

The Neurodiversity Edge

The Essential Guide to Embracing Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, and Other Neurological Differences for Any Organization
Maureen Dunne
Wiley, 2024
8 Book

Trustworthy AI

A Business Guide for Navigating Trust and Ethics in AI
Beena Ammanath
Wiley, 2022