Maddy Reinert, Theresa Nguyen and Danielle Fritze
The State of Mental Health in America 2020
MHA, 2019
Was ist drin?
What is the current state of Americans’ mental health and access to care?
Mental Health America (MHA) has been reporting annually since 2014 on the state of Americans’ mental health and access to care. The reports reflect the impact of current policies and programs and inform future policy making and program planning. The 2020 report measures overall prevalence and access to care for youth and adults, along with state-by-state breakdowns and rankings. MHA policy and programs associate Maddy Reinert, vice president of policy and programs Theresa Nguyen, and associate vice president of public education and design Danielle Fritze prepared the 2020 report.
About the Authors
At Mental Health America, Maddy Reinert is policy and programs associate, Theresa Nguyen is vice president of policy and programs, and Danielle Fritze is associate vice president of public education and design.
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