A different kind of business world calls for a different kind of business manual, and that’s what Alex Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur achieve in their New Age guide to contemporary business modeling. Abetted by their “Business Model Innovation Hub” – with 470 online collaborators in 45 countries – the authors practiced what they preached by applying their modeling concepts to the book’s production. Their concepts are not just theories: major companies such as IBM and Ericsson are converts to the “Business Model Canvas,” a low-tech template for brainstorming and visualizing corporate roles and processes. The book’s breezy, colorful format, filled with photos, drawings, charts and graphics, belies its intensely researched, reality-grounded content. A big sheet of paper and a slew of Post-it notes are all you need to get started; that, and your team's combined creativity, intellect and persistence. Entrepreneurs and business leaders looking to create or redesign their business models will appreciate this comprehensive, pictorial handbook.
About the Authors
Alex Osterwalder is an author, speaker and adviser on business-model innovation. Yves Pigneur is a professor of management information systems at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland.
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