When a customer with a problem reaches out to a brand, they want one thing: good customer service. But with a growing number of service channels available, it’s becoming more difficult than ever for companies to deliver that service. In this practical report, Dag Fredrik Bjørnland, François Boulard, Nicolas Harlé, Yair Lehrer and Franck Luisada of the Boston Consulting Group examine the impact of customer service upon businesses’ bottom lines and offer simple, effective explanations as to how using an “omnichannel” approach to service and improving the quality of digital and self-service channels helps customers and brands alike. getAbstract recommends this report to leaders in the areas of sales and customer service.
About the Authors
Dag Fredrik Bjørnland, Nicolas Harlé and Franck Luisada are managing directors at the Boston Consulting Group, where François Boulard is a senior adviser. Yair Lehrer is portfolio marketing manager at NICE Systems.
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