The 16 Characteristics of True Champions
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For more than two decades, journalist Don Yaeger, a former Sports Illustrated editor, had a front-row seat for observing greatness at sports fields, boxing rings, basketball courts, Olympic swimming pools and racing tracks: wherever great athletes competed. Yaeger spent hundreds of hours discussing greatness with elite sports performers. In his solid exploration of how to achieve greatness, he draws on the inspirational lives and character traits of great athletes. This is great fun – if not exactly great literature – and filled with triumphant stories. Yaeger’s insights will engage athletic adolescents and anyone who loves sports (particularly US sports, given the terminology) and who wants to learn about the personalities of champions.
About the Author
Don Yaeger, an associate editor at Sports Illustrated for 10 years, is a journalist and the author of numerous books, including Running for My Life, which he co-wrote with Warrick Dunn.
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