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It's Alive

It's Alive

The Coming Convergence Of Information, Biology, And Business

Thomson Texere, 2001 Mehr

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Editorial Rating



  • Comprehensive
  • Innovative
  • Scientific


Running a business these days feels like going on a blind date with the future. Most efforts to understand what lies ahead take on a rather breathless quality, lapsing into technobabble as they struggle to avoid the future’s central truth: unknowability is its essence. Marshall McLuhan once observed that anticipating the future is like steering an automobile by looking into your rearview mirror. Yes, seeing where you’ve been does give you some idea of where you’re going...but not much. That said, strongly recommends this look into the crystal ball of technology. It’s a clear improvement over most works of the future-shock genre. Soundly rooted in practical business applications, and presenting surprising examples and possibilities without resorting to mind-numbing jargon, this book will prove very useful to anyone savvy enough to realize that just improving your business is no longer enough.


The Molecular Economy

Attention: a new "molecular economy" is on the way. Scientists are achieving a greater understanding of chemical and biological functions on the molecular level at the same time that manufacturing is being super-miniaturized. This means the imminent birth of whole new industries that will be able to manipulate matter on the molecular level. For instance, engineers at John Deere have adapted biological and genetic systems to improve factory production schedules. Genetic algorithms are being used to improve jet engine design, credit rating scoring and stock trading systems.

Even as the information economy matures, another economic life cycle - the molecular economy - is reaching adolescence. One indicator of where the economy is headed: IBM’s Life Sciences group reports that biologists have replaced physicists as the leading users of supercomputers. Also, in the past 10 years, the number of biotech patents filed annually has increased five-fold. Over the next decade, as new molecular technologies are being introduced, businesses will find themselves in an environment that changes twice as fast as before.

Increased connectivity is accelerating...

About the Authors

Christopher Meyer founded BIOS Group, a software development firm. He heads the Center for Business Innovation, where Stan Davis is a senior fellow. Meyer and Davis co-wrote Blur: The Speed of Change in the Connected Economy. Davis, an independent scholar and consultant, is also the author of Future Perfect and co-author of 2020 Vision.

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