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Public relations (PR) is a critical feature of any modern institution’s marketing program. However, it is often not seriously considered as a legitimate part of corporate administration because it frequently focuses primarily on tactics - what to do, when and how - and rarely rises into guiding overall company strategy. Yet, if you want a practical guide that will show you how to create a media kit or develop a crisis management plan, Joe Marconi’s book is for you. It delivers solidly at this general tactical level, where it is, indeed, a working guide. However, it does not transcend into more theoretical reaches. The book skimps on some more meaty, advanced areas such as the theory of public relations and how it fits into overall corporate strategy. The chapters also do not seem to be arranged in progressive order by subject. For example, chapters on speechwriting are sandwiched between those on crisis management and ethics. However, getAbstract.com finds this book valuable for those who want an overview of PR’s work-a-day aspects, including normal business tactics if not sophisticated corporate strategy. It also will help those who are not fully familiar with what PR can deliver to a modern institution in challenging times.
About the Author
Joe Marconi is a marketing consultant and author of 11 books on marketing, branding and public relations. His articles have appeared in the Chicago Tribune, International Herald Tribune and American Demographics. As a managing principal of the Marketing Institute, he has conducted workshops throughout the United States, Canada and Europe.
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