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A Proven Plan for Starting Over After Job Loss

FT Press, 2009 Mehr

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Losing your job is one of life’s greatest stressors. Unfortunately, with downsizing, mergers, outsourcing and recession-era cutbacks, an increasing number of employees face the possibility of job termination. If your company plans to release you, for whatever reason and however reluctantly, hard work and long hours probably won’t protect you. How can you prepare to deal with this sobering situation? In this insightful book, employee engagement expert Martha I. Finney provides a proactive plan for handling job termination. If you are in that boat, getAbstract recommends this life preserver. Finney explains how to survive a dunking, stay afloat and swim on to better things.


“The Inner Game of Getting Laid Off”

One minute, you are barreling down the highway, both hands on the wheel, not a care in the world. The next minute – crash! – you are in a ditch and pieces of your beautiful roadster are scattered over the road’s tarred surface. At least, that’s how life can seem when you suddenly lose your job. Of course, if you’ve seen the handwriting on the wall, a layoff will come as no surprise. Whether it is a shock or not, job loss can trigger a bag of mixed feelings. You may experience relief because you no longer need to stress about losing your employment. At the same time, you may worry about finding new work. Other feelings could whipsaw you: bewilderment, alienation, isolation, self doubt, but also, perhaps, the promise of opportunity. Considering what you have just experienced, such emotions are normal. Allow yourself time to work through them.

Getting fired often instills a sense of being out of control. Ask yourself if that is an accurate assessment of how things really are. Most likely, it is not. After all, did your previous employer control your career? No, not unless you are an ultraspecialist and your old firm held the monopoly...

About the Author

Martha I. Finney spent much of her career as a business journalist. She is now a consultant who helps organizations improve their employee relationships.

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