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Hans-Werner Sinn
The Greek Tragedy
CESifo Forum Special Issue
CESifo Group Munich, 2015
Was ist drin?
Economist Hans-Werner Sinn outlines how, despite massive financial rescue missions, the Greek economy has deteriorated.
Greece is far from a solution to its ongoing fiscal morass. Economist Hans-Werner Sinn outlines how, despite massive financial rescue missions, the Greek economy has deteriorated. He contests Greek arguments that the rescue package went solely to pay off euro-zone creditors and excoriates the government for, among other failures, not implementing the critical structural reforms that would help restore the country’s competitiveness and allow it a reprieve from the crisis. Sinn expertly presents one side of a multifaceted story, but some readers may find his tone, at times, somewhat brusque and dismissive. Though always neutral, getAbstract recommends this dense and detailed analysis to euro watchers everywhere.
About the Author
Hans-Werner Sinn is a professor at the University of Munich and president of the Ifo Institute.
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