Trump: The Art of the Deal
First Edition: 1987 更多详情
Published by arrangement with The Random House Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc.
ISBN: 9780394555287
Pages: 256
This book is as smooth as its namesake author. Long before “You’re fired!” entered the popular lexicon, “The Donald” was piecing together deals that changed Manhattan’s skyline. The book includes a diary of Trump’s typical week. He flirts with a hostile takeover of Holiday Inn (which nets him tens of millions of dollars), has a friendly conversation with radio personality Don Imus, selects Christmas decorations for the Trump Tower atrium, chats with NBC executives, talks with Ivan Boesky just two weeks before Boesky pleads guilty to insider trading, meets with a top New York banker who begs him for his business, has a conversation with Missouri senator John Danforth and speaks with international designer Calvin Klein – all by Tuesday. If you conclude that Trump is a self-promoting, silver-spooned name-dropper, take your shirt off now and hand it to him – before he tears it off your back. Trump plays for keeps. Tony Schwarz has done his usual masterful job of co-authoring this book. (If nicely spun anecdotes could be used as collateral, Schwarz could be a real estate magnate himself.) Of course, some of the less rosy chapters in Trump’s career are downplayed, and his major bankruptcy problems (and bounce back) happened after this book’s initial publication. getAbstract strongly recommends it to anyone who wants an entertaining look at some of the actual reality show behind Donald Trump’s towering success.
About the Author
Donald J. Trump is the New York City real estate magnate, Atlantic City casino owner and international television celebrity perhaps currently best known for his role in the hit reality show, The Apprentice. Tony Schwartz is the author or co-author of several business books.
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