Valley Girls
Lessons From Female Founders in the Silicon Valley and Beyond
Business founder and HR executive Kelley Steven-Waiss discusses why women in tech start-ups have difficulty securing investors and earning their male peers’ respect. She pursued a familiar entrepreneurial path: Have a “big idea,” assemble a team, tap your network, seek venture capital – and face stumbling blocks from male investors who sideline female decision-makers. Now, she asks if that playbook is still relevant. Could an abundance mindset replace the typical corporate scarcity mindset? Might founders do better as team-oriented dolphins than as sharks? Drawing from interviews with other female founders, Steven-Waiss argues that the business world needs more women to become entrepreneurs and that they deserve more respect.
About the Author
Kelley Steven-Waiss, founder and CEO of Hitch Works, Inc., co-wrote The Inside Gig: How Sharing Untapped Talent Across Boundaries Unleashes Organizational Capacity.
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