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Achieve Work–Life Integration

Find your focus and balance your priorities.

Understand the topic by completing this 15-minute course.

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Achieve Work-Life Integration

Ebony Fagbuyi

About the Session

Ebony will look at these four important points to achieve work-life integration: - Thinking Big – What is a vision and what is a goal? - Inspiration and areas to consider for your vision - Creating your vision for productivity – steps & actions to draft your own vision - Leader of your vision – evaluate your strengths and your weaknesses to be prepared for your vision

Ebony Fagbuyi

  • Business Coaching
  • 1:1 Mentoring
  • Strategy Sessions

About the Session

Ebony will look at these four important points to achieve work-life integration: - Thinking Big – What is a vision and what is a goal? - Inspiration and areas to consider for your vision - Creating your vision for productivity – steps & actions to draft your own vision - Leader of your vision – evaluate your strengths and your weaknesses to be prepared for your vision

Ebony Fagbuyi

  • Business Coaching
  • 1:1 Mentoring
  • Strategy Sessions