Incentivize Employees Strategically
Harness the power of incentives to drive employee engagement, motivation and success.
Understand the topic by completing this 15-minute course.
Remember: knowledge is nothing without action.
Learn how to apply your knowledge by watching this video.
Step 2
Step 3
Take Your Learning Further
Reverse Brainstorming
Bernie Smith
About the Session
In this session, consultant and founder of Made To Measure KPIs, Bernie Smith, takes you step by step through the process of reverse brainstorming. This is perfect when your organization is planning to change KPIs, targets, and incentives to deliver a particular improved outcome.
About the Session
In this session, consultant and founder of Made To Measure KPIs, Bernie Smith, takes you step by step through the process of reverse brainstorming. This is perfect when your organization is planning to change KPIs, targets, and incentives to deliver a particular improved outcome.