Understand Unconscious Bias
Discover why your unconscious perceptions might not align with your conscious beliefs.
Understand the topic by completing this 15-minute course.
Remember: knowledge is nothing without action.
Learn how to apply your knowledge by watching this video.
Step 2
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Step 3
Take Your Learning Further
Unconscious Bias
Veronika Hucke
About the Session
Unconscious biases are associations, which happen unconsciously and uncontrollably, yet they still influence our actions and behaviour. In this session, Diversity & Inclusion Expert Veronika Hucke will talk about why unconscious biases take over, what the consequences can be and what we can do to get back in charge.
Veronika Hucke
- Strategic Consulting
- Diversity & Inclusion Solutions
- Internal & External Communication
- Speaking Engagements
About the Session
Unconscious biases are associations, which happen unconsciously and uncontrollably, yet they still influence our actions and behaviour. In this session, Diversity & Inclusion Expert Veronika Hucke will talk about why unconscious biases take over, what the consequences can be and what we can do to get back in charge.
Veronika Hucke
- Strategic Consulting
- Diversity & Inclusion Solutions
- Internal & External Communication
- Speaking Engagements
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