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Stephen A. Wilson e Andrei Perumal
Reformule a Sua Estrutura de Custos, Libere os Fluxos de Caixa e Aumente a Produtividade, Atacando os Processos, os Produtos e a Complexidade Organizacional
Stephen A. Wilson and Andrei Perumal
Reshape Your Cost Structure, Free Up Cash Flows, and Boost Productivity by Attacking Process, Product, and Organizational Complexity
Andrew Wileman
How to Manage Costs - Intelligently
Colin Barrow
Um Guia Prático para Manter a Competitividade e Aumentar os Lucros
A Practical Guide to Staying Competitive and Improving Profits
Perry J. Ludy
Cutting Costs without Cutting People
Peter W. Kingma
Maintain Liquidity, Build Capital, and Prepare Your Business for Every Opportunity
Tobias Wens et al.
Deepak Goyal et al.
From Art to Science in Pricing
S. David Young
A Practical Guide to Implementation
Jimmy Anklesaria
The AIM & DRIVE Process for Achieving Extraordinary Results
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