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Doing Business Abroad

When you invest offshore, engage in international trade or do business outside your home country, you must understand the market you’re entering and how commerce works there. This Channel showcases books on doing business abroad. It’s not about etiquette or specific regions or taking a job overseas – all of which have their own channels. It’s about money – making it, earning it or investing it in other countries. Once you get off the plane, this is how business is done.

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8 Book

Inside Outsourcing

How Remote Work, Offshoring & Global Employment is Changing the World
Derek Gallimore
Derek Gallimore, 2022
7 Article
European Business Review
European Business Review, 2019
8 Article
Huang Yuankai
DT Caijing, 2019
8 Book

The Leading Indicators

A Short History of the Search for the Right Numbers
Zachary Karabell
Simon & Schuster, 2014
8 Report
World Economic Forum
World Economic Forum, 2018
8 Article

Is There a Remittance Trap?

High levels of remittances can spark a vicious cycle of economic stagnation and dependence
Ralph Chami et al.
Finance & Development Magazine, 2018
8 Article

Comparative Theory of Culture

Turning Cross-Cultural Complexity into High-Performance Vitality
Hans J. Roth
EurAsia Competence, 2016
8 Report
The Economist Intelligence Unit
EIU, 2018
8 Book

The Business Solution to Poverty

Designing Products and Services for Three Billion New Customers
Paul Polak and Mal Warwick
Berrett-Koehler, 2013
7 Book

Working in a Multicultural World

A Guide to Developing Intercultural Competence
Luciara Nardon
University of Toronto Press, 2017
8 Report
Andreas Adriano
IMF, 2017
8 Article

World Trade in Services

Evidence from a New Dataset
Prakash Loungani et al.
IMF, 2017