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Jacob Soll
History shows that free trade can’t buy world peace.
Simon Tilford and Hans Kundnani
Issuing the World’s Reserve Currency Comes at Too High a Price
Mark Leonard et al.
Moisés Naím
From Boardrooms to Battlefields and Churches to States, Why Being In Charge Isn’t What It Used to Be
Ian Bremmer and Preston Keat
The Power of Political Knowledge for Strategic Investing
Martin Reeves and Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak
Johan van Overtveldt
The uneasy future of the European Union
Hedieh Nasheri
Ernest R. May and Richard E. Neustadt
The Uses of History for Decision Makers
Shaun Rein
Finding the Opportunities in China's Economy in the New World Order
Raj Varadarajan et al.
Sarah E. Igo
Who gets to keep a secret in a hyperconnected world?
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