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Tony Robbins and Peter Diamandis
How New Breakthroughs in Precision Medicine Can Transform the Quality of Your Life & Those You Love
Peter Coveney and Roger Highfield
How Building Your Digital Twin Will Revolutionize Medicine and Change Your Life
Jocelyn Kaiser
Reference genomes used to direct the gene editor fail to account for human diversity in those of African descent
Matthieu Gombeaud et al.
James E. Dahlman
How DNA is used to store – and generate – information at extreme scales
Siddhartha Chaturvedi and Hoifung Poon
Meredith Wadman
Le feu vert donné par la Commission européenne et l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé permet de compléter l’offre vaccinale
European Commission and World Health Organization approvals usher in key addition to vaccine supply
Nirja Desai and Jon Cohen
Editing of plant, animal and human genomes has never been easier, as this country’s scientists are rapidly demonstrating.
Emily Waltz
Biotech firm Oxitec launches controversial field test of its insects in Florida after years of opposition from residents and regulatory complications.
Robert F. Service
David Cyranoski
Following last year’s bombshell revelation, investigations mount and debates swirl about the future for gene-edited humans. Here are the four most pressing questions.
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