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Edwin Lopez
Political risk, emissions and lead times are just some of the drivers pushing companies toward onshoring, nearshoring and friendshoring decisions.
Ben Unglesbee
Four Goods Facing Tight Supplies This Year
Christopher Mims
From Factory to Front Door – Why Everything Has Changed About How and What We Buy
Knut Alicke et al.
Ana Swanson
Russia’s military incursion is severing key supply chains and setting off a scramble among global companies to comply with new sanctions.
Antonio Varas et al.
Amanda Mull
What happens to the stuff you order online after you send it back?
Derek Thompson
The global supply chain is slowing down at the at the very moment when Americans are demanding that it go into overdrive
Jeanne Smialek and Madeleine Ngo
How the pandemic broke online shopping
Jen Wieczner
How the Coronavirus Exposed US Supply Chain Flaws
Lizzie O'Leary
The corona virus exposes the fragility of an economy built on outsourcing and just-in-time inventory
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