In: Science


How does the universe work and what is it made of? To find out, physicists study space and time, as well as the structure, behavior, and motion of matter. Will they ever find a theory that explains it all, a theory of everything?

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The World in a Grain

The Story of Sand and How It Transformed Civilization
Vince Beiser
Riverhead, 2018
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A Brief History of Time

The Updated and Expanded 10th Anniversary Edition
Stephen Hawking
Bantam, 1998
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A World Beyond Physics

The Emergence and Evolution of Life
Stuart A. Kauffman
Oxford UP, 2019
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The New Era of Multimessenger Astronomy

Astronomers’ newfound ability to see the same cosmic events in light, particles and gravitational waves – a synthesis called multimessenger astronomy – gives them a fuller picture of some of the universe’s most mysterious phenomena
Ann Finkbeiner
Scientific American, 2018
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Spooky Quantum Action Passes Test

Recent experiments quash the hope that the unsettling phenomenon of quantum entanglement can be explained away
Ronald Hanson and Krister Shalm
Scientific American, 2018
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New Artificial Enamel is Harder and More Durable Than the Real Thing

Novel material mimics enamel’s complex structure with stronger components
Graycen Wheeler
Science, 2022
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Loopy Particle Math

Scientists are creating mathematical tools to identify novel particles and phenomena at the world’s largest particle accelerator
Matthew von Hippel
Scientific American, 2019
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François Candelon et al.
Boston Consulting Group, 2022
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An Atomic-Scale View of Cyclocarbon Synthesis

Combining organic synthesis with microscopy addresses long-standing bottlenecks in cyclocarbon production.
Sabine Maier
Science, 2019
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The Quantum Divide

Why Schrodinger’s Cat is Either Dead or Alive
Christopher C. Gerry and Kimberley M. Bruno
Oxford UP, 2016
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Quantum Computing Expert Explains One Concept in 5 Levels of Difficulty

WIRED has challenged IBM’s Dr. Talia Gershon (Senior Manager, Quantum Research) to explain quantum computing to 5 different people: a child, teen, a college student, a grad student and a professional.
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Wired, 2018

The Case for Space

How the Revolution in Spaceflight Opens Up a Future of Limitless Possibility
Robert Zubrin
Prometheus Books, 2019