In: Corporate Communication
Public Relations
In the Internet age, concealing the truth about your company can have immediate and disastrous repercussions. Whitewashing techniques are passé. Instead, make wise and conscious communication decisions. Do good work and good deeds and talk about your actions in a professional, eloquent way.
Communicate in a Crisis
Understand, Engage and Influence Consumer Behaviour to Maximize Brand Trust
Kogan Page, 2019
Truth Be Told
How Authentic Marketing and Communications Wins in the Purposeful Age
Kogan Page, 2021
The Quest for Attention
Nonprofit Advocacy in a Social Media Age
Stanford Graduate School of Business, 2020
PR Technology, Data and Insights
Igniting a Positive Return on Your Communications Investment
Kogan Page, 2021
The Apology Impulse
How the Business World Ruined Sorry and Why We Can't Stop Saying It
Kogan Page, 2019