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Jack Trout and Al Ries
How to Be Seen and Heard in the Overcrowded Marketplace
Jenna Tiffany
Overcome Common Pitfalls and Create Effective Marketing
Stacey Danheiser et al.
How to Differentiate Your Organization in a Sea of Sameness
Brent Barnhart
David A. Aaker
Creating Relevance, Differentiation, Energy, Leverage, and Clarity
Jack Trout
Capturing Mindshare, Conquering Markets
Sicco Van Gelder
Unlocking Brand Potential across Countries, Cultures and Markets
Stanley F. Stasch
Don Sexton
How to Use the Most Powerful Ideas in Marketing to Get More Customers
Richard D. Czerniawski and Michael W. Maloney
The Management of Power Positioning and Really Great Advertising
George S. Day
Processes for Creating Value
Al Ries and Jack Trout