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Luke Patey
Can India become the de-risking champion multinationals are looking for?
Alyssa Ayres
How India Is Making Its Place in the World
Economist Intelligence Unit
Country Report; July 2014
Nandan Nilekani
The Idea of a Renewed Nation
MacKenzie Sigalos and Ashley Turner
Shweta Bajpai et al.
Winning Big by Targeting Small
Anil K. Gupta et al.
How Indian and Chinese Companies Are Becoming Globally Stronger by Winning in Each Other’s Markets
The Economist Intelligence Unit
World Industry Outlook; September 2012
David Smith
China, India and the New World Order
Robyn Meredith
The Rise of India and China, and What It Means for All of Us
Rajesh Kumar and Anand Sethi
Paul Davies
Offshoring, Outsourcing and the Global Services Revolution