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Tom Ziglar
Coaching Your Team Through Immense Change and Challenge
Michael Lopp
Small Things, Done Well
Iris Clermont
Eleven ways to lead your team from overwhelmed to inspired
Carrie Addington et al.
Finding Your Authentic Training Style
L. David Marquet
A True Story of Turning Followers into Leaders
Marty Cagan and Chris Jones
Ordinary People, Extraordinary Products (Silicon Valley Product Group)
Max Landsberg
Boost Your Effectiveness at Work by Inspiring and Developing Those Around You
From Perkbox
Janina Schönitz and Stefanie Junghans
Job Sharing Is the Answer to a Changing World of Work
Joe Davis
7 Ways to Give of Yourself for Everyone’s Gain
Celine Schillinger
The Art of Relational Leadership in a Fragmented World
Steven Van Cohen and Ryan Jenkins
How Leaders Can Move Teams From Isolated to All In
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