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Scott Cowen
Boomer Esiason et al.
Juliette Kayyem
Learning to Live in an Age of Disasters
Lynn Wooten and Erika H. James
Emerge from Any Crisis More Resilient Than Before
Edward Segal
101 Ways to Prepare for and Bounce Back from Disasters, Scandals and Other Emergencies
Rebecca L. Ray
Kathleen M. Sutcliffe and Karl E. Weick
Sustained Performance in a Complex World
Mark Goulston and Diana Hendel
A Roadmap for Leading Through Disruption (and Thriving on the Other Side)
Ed Catmull
Achim Schmitt et al.
Michael Hudecheck et al.
The companies and employees at ground zero of the COVID-19 outbreak provide insight into what works in a time of crisis — and what doesn’t.
Jon White