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Yossi Sheffi
How the Best Companies Manage the Unexpected
John Manners-Bell
Understanding Emerging Threats to Global Supply Chains
Gary S. Lynch
The Ten Essential Laws of Supply Chain Risk Management
Raj Varadarajan et al.
Alejandra Salgado
Using alternative routes like the Cape of Good Hope not only means longer transit times but higher freight costs. Here’s what shipping experts had to say.
Knut Alicke et al.
Megan DeFauw et al.
Derek Thompson
The global supply chain is slowing down at the at the very moment when Americans are demanding that it go into overdrive
Kit Chellel et al.
The Inside Story of the Ship That Broke Global Trade
Samanth Subramanian
The Detectives Untangling the Global Supply Chain
Ramon Abalo Costa
Jen Wieczner
How the Coronavirus Exposed US Supply Chain Flaws