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Peter Fader et al.
The First Step on the Journey to Customer Centricity
Peter Fader and Sarah E. Toms
Implement a Winning Strategy Driven by Customer Lifetime Value
Peter Fader and Sarah Toms
Harvey Thompson
How IBM and Other World-Class Companies Achieve Extraordinary Results by Putting Customers First
Simon Mainwaring
The Business Revolution That Will Save Our Future
Charikleia Kaffe et al.
Lessons that conventional businesses can learn from Taylor Swift's ability to navigate new technologies, channels, and power structures to create enduring advantage.
Robert Townsend
How to Stop the Corporation from Stifling People and Strangling Profits
Micah Solomon
Create an Anticipatory Customer Experience that Builds Loyalty Forever
Tiffani Bova
Get Smarter About the Choices That Will Make or Break Your Business
David Greising
The Life and Leadership of Roberto Goizueta
Hubert Joly and Caroline Lambert
Leadership Principles for the Next Era of Capitalism
Arthur Blank