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Bruce Barry and Thomas Bateman
Here’s How People Stick with Extremely Long-Term Goals
Julie Dirksen
Gladys McGarey
A 102-Year-Old Doctor’s Six Secrets to Health and Happiness at Every Age
David Brooks
The life secrets of those who flailed early but succeeded by old age
Jon Acuff
The 3-Step Plan to Ditch Regret and Tap Into Your Massive Potential
Marcel Schwantes and Dr. Marshall Goldsmith
Michael J. Noble
Adam M. Grant
The Science of Achieving Greater Things
Kelly Trach
An Unconventional Guide to Finding Your Innate Gifts (Even When You Feel Like You Have None)
Dorie Clark
Talks at Google with Dorie Clark
Robin Sharma
Own Your Morning, Elevate Your Life
Rainer Strack et al.