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Michael Kahn et al.
Rising Income Inequality, Lagging Economic Growth
Angus Deaton
An Immigrant Economist Explores the Land of Inequality
Jeff Fuhrer
How False Beliefs about Racism and Meritocracy Broke Our Economy (and How to Fix It)
Binyamin Appelbaum
Thomas Piketty and Arthur Goldhammer
Nelson D. Schwartz
How Inequality Became Big Business
Martin Čihák et al.
Economists and policymakers need a wake-up call to root out racial discrimination
Vicky Pryce
Why We Can't Have It All in a Free Market Economy
Heidi Bush et al.
Practical Ways to Tackle Economic Inequality
Grace Enda and William G. Gale
Kausar Hamdani et al.
The Hidden Impact of Credit Constraints
Kriston McIntosh et al.