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Robert I. Sutton and Huggy Rao
How Smart Leaders Make the Right Things Easier and the Wrong Things Harder
Jane McConnell
Why a Bold New Breed of Employee is Your Organization’s Secret Weapon in Volatile Times
Michele Zanini and Gary Hamel
Creating Organizations As Amazing As the People Inside Them
Duncan Green
Roger Dooley
The Untapped Force That Can Be Your Most Powerful Advantage
Aaron Dignan
Gebhard Borck et al.
Putting an End to “Management” and Tayloristic Command and Control
Jamie Notter and Maddie Grant
Preparing for the Ridiculously Optimistic Future of Business
Joan Goldsmith and Kenneth Cloke
And the Rise of Organizational Democracy
John Seddon
Rethinking Management for Lean Service
François Dupuy
The Why and How of Organizational Change
Mike Green and Esther Cameron
A Complete Guide to the Models, Tools & Techniques of Organizational Change