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Edgar H. Schein
Julie Battilana and Tiziana Casciaro
How It Really Works and Why It's Everyone's Business
Zulekha Nathoo
Why Some Climb the Ladder Despite Mediocrity
Mats Alvesson and André Spicer
The Power and Pitfalls of Functional Stupidity at Work
Tom Rieger
How Fear Destroys Companies from the Inside Out and What to Do About It
Susan Liautaud
How to Make Good Choices in a Complicated World
Vicki Webster and Paula Brough
Translating theory and research into evidence-based practice
Lulu Garcia-Navarro and Claire Stapleton
First Person
David McQueen
More courage. Less fear. Better decisions for inclusive leadership.
Kathryn Post
Several seminaries have begun to answer America's need for ethical and social leadership in the workplace.
Michelle P. King
The Subtle Science of Getting Ahead Without Losing Yourself
John Drescher