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Peter L. Bernstein
The Remarkable Story of Risk
Michele Wucker
The New Art and Science of Navigating an Uncertain World
Chris Clearfield and András Tilcsik
What Plane Crashes, Oil Spills, and Dumb Business Decisions Can Teach Us About How to Succeed at Work and at Home
Kenneth Wee et al.
Paul Slovic
Ron S. Dembo
...In an Uncertain World
Lisa Gonzales
Risk Management 5- Step Process
David Breg
WSJ’s David Breg and Rob Sloan discuss how understanding the costs of a breach can help companies organize defenses and prioritize investments.
Howard Kunreuther and Robert Meyer
Why We Underprepare for Disasters
Allison Schrager
And Other Unexpected Places to Understand Risk
Nate Silver
Why So Many Predictions Fail – But Some Don’t
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
The Impact of the Highly Improbable