In: Human Resources
Working Time Arrangements
Anyone with children, a relative in need of care, a long commute, a second gig or even a special hobby appreciates a less rigid working schedule, one that doesn't require physical presence from 9 am to 5 pm, five days a week. Learn how various organizations offer flex-time and the opportunity to work remotely. How do they and their employees benefit and what are the signs that flex-time can be a mixed blessing.
What Really Happened in Iceland’s Four-Day Week Trial
The success of the trial made global headlines. But the actual results tell a more complex story
Wired, 2021
Virtual Freedom
How to Work with Virtual Staff to Buy More Time, Become More Productive, and Build Your Dream Business
BenBella, 2014
The 4 Day Week
How the flexible work revolution can increase productivity, profitability and wellbeing, and help create a sustainable future
Piatkus Books, 2020