That Inspires

Transform your organization with instant access to the world's largest library of summarized business content and microlearning tools.

Explore Our Custom Learning Products


Compressed expert knowlege and tools for leaders and teams



Efficient microcourses for immediate skill application



Expert-reviewed and rated content to elevate your learning ecosystem


Compressed expert knowlege and tools for leaders and teams

Trusted Knowledge Library

Empower learners and cultivate leaders ‒ with access to an ever-growing knowledge database derived from 27,000+ business books, articles, podcasts, videos, and reports. All found, verified, and curated by qualified human experts.

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Ask getAbstract

Get reliable answers from our AI-enhanced search tool, trained exclusively from our vast library.

Learning Paths

Address specific challenges and enhance skills with custom learning paths.

Meetings in a Box

Facilitate effective team learning with bite-sized reflections that inspire substantial conversations.

Expert Webinars

Learn directly from respected leaders and renowned experts in exclusive, interactive webinars.


Efficient microcourses for immediate skill application

Swift application of skills

Engage with microcourses that turn knowledge into actionable skills, boosting your team's performance.

Know. Do. Reflect. Repeat. 

For learning to be effective, it must lead to a change in behavior. getAbstract helps learners absorb knowledge efficiently, apply it in real-world settings, and reflect on their experiences.


Expert-reviewed and rated content to elevate your learning ecosystem

Access accurate, trustworthy, and free online business knowledge.

Powered by getAbstract, Verify rates and reviews free business resources to ensure your access to authentic information.

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LMS/LXP Compatibility

Verified Knowledge is meticulously indexed for easy integration with your learning platforms, streamlining delivery.

Skills Tagging

Verify precisely aligns every piece of content with the skills profile of your team, ensuring relevance and applicability.

Scalable & Dynamic

With thousands of new knowledge assets added each month, our database continually evolves to provide you with the latest and most relevant information.

Boost Business Acumen for Greater Success

Used and Trusted Globally by Over 5,000 Companies

Make the Most of Your L&D Investment

See the Impact
Idea, Light bulb

Experience real-time outcomes

Gain insights from detailed trend analysis and reports.

Idea, Light bulb

Measure the ROI of Learning

Keep learners engaged and track progress.

Ready to Transform Your Learning Strategy?

We offer a free trial to qualifying organizations.