How It Works
What is a summary?
With so much relevant knowledge out there, you could be reading all day long, every day. But who has the time? At getAbstract, we developed a highly efficient method to summarize knowledge. getAbstract summaries are compact, easy to digest and short enough to read in just 15 minutes. Every getAbstract summary contains:
1. Rating:
Learn about the must reads in every category
2. Recommendation:
Find out why the content is relevant to you
3. Take-Aways:
Grasp the main learning points at a glance
4. Summary
Absorb the essence of the content in 10 minutes or less
Read the most compelling quotes from the original book, article, video or podcast
6. About the Author:
Learn about the authors’ professional background
7. Source Link:
Find the original book, article, video or podcast
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Read your summaries directly in your browser, or on your e-reader. Download our free app to use getAbstract on your smart phone or tablet. You can also listen to audio summaries on your MP3 player or any other audio device. You prefer to read on paper? All of our summaries are also available as PDFs.

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Audio Summaries
Optimized audio files. Perfect for dedicated multitaskers, getAbstract’s audio options offer a smart solution for professionals looking to boost their business knowledge during a morning run, while cooking dinner or anytime they need hands-free access to information. Optimized for the spoken word, our 15-minute audio summaries are as engaging as they are succinct. Our audio files offer smooth streaming, so not a single word is missed.
Most abstracts are available in audio format. When a summary is available in audio format, there will be a download option "Audio" (you can also filter your search options to look for audio abstracts only). We aim to produce human-voice audio for every new abstract. Depending on whether publishers have provided us with the required permissions for audio recording, we sometimes rely on artificial intelligence to assist in audio production.
All of our summaries are available in e-reader formats. Whether you like to read in e-ink or in full color, our summaries are compatible with all e-readers and tablets designed for reading. Here are some easy instructions on how to start reading on your device:
Send summaries to your Kindle directly from getAbstract's website, using the download option Send to Kindle. You will need to enter your Kindle account email address once, and add '' to the safe senders list in your Amazon Kindle account. You will then be able to also receive your personalized summaries directly on your device. To opt for that, simply go to MyAccount.
Kindle Fire – You may want to download our app to your tablet through the Amazon app store. Alternatively, you can read summaries through any browser available on your Kindle Fire.
Download and save summaries to your computer, in ePub or PDF format, plug your Nook e-Reader into your computer, and then it’s simply drag and drop.
Nook Tab – Additionally, you can download our app to your tablet through the Google Play store. Summaries can alternatively be read via any browser available on your Nook Tab.
Download and save summaries to your computer, in ePub or PDF format, then plug your Kobo e-reader into your computer, browse for your downloaded summaries, and then it’s simply drag and drop to transfer your summaries onto your e-reader.
If you are running into issues reading summaries on your mobile device, take a look at our FAQ section.