Eche un vistazo a todos los resúmenes de Adams Media.
Jenny Foss
What to Do (and NOT Do) in 75+ Difficult Workplace Situations
Creek Stewart
A Step-by-Step Emergency Preparedness Manual for Sheltering in Place
Emily Brandon
The 10-Step Solution for a Stress-Free Retirement
Stephan Schiffman
The Words You Need to Get the Sale, Beat Your Quota, and Boost Your Commission
Tom Gorman
Spark Initiative. Inspire Action. Achieve Your Goal
Russell Robb
Identify Opportunities, Analyze True Value, Negotiate the Best Terms, Close the Deal
Paul B. Brown and Alison Davis
How to Appeal to Today's Distracted, Disinterested, Disengaged, Disenchanted, And Busy Consumer
Barry Feig
Push the Emotional Buttons That Get People to Buy
Ford Harding
Attract New Clients No Matter What Your Field
Marshall Cook
Get More Done with Less Stress by Efficiently Managing Your Time!
Corey Sandler and Janice Keefe
Performance Review Strategies for Underperforming Employees
Create the Vision. Implement the Plan. Get the Job Done.
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