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Search results for "writing"




Writing to Learn

How to Write – and Think – Clearly About Any Subject at All
William Zinsser
Harper Perennial, 2013
7 Book

Writing to Persuade

How to Bring People Over to Your Side
Trish Hall
Liveright, 2019
7 Book

Business Writing Tips

For Easy and Effective Results
Robert Bullard
Perfect Text, 2015
10 Article
Steven Pinker
The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2014
8 Article
David Girouard
First Round, 2020
8 Article
Todd Rogers and Jessica Lasky-Fink
Behavioral Scientist, 2023
8 Article
Tim Casasola
Tim Casasola, 2020
8 Book
Edward P. Bailey Jr.
Oxford UP, 1997
8 Book

The Only Grant-Writing Book You'll Ever Need

Top Grant Writers and Grant Givers Share Their Secrets
Ellen Karsh and Arlen Sue Fox
Basic Books, 2009
8 Book
Natalie Canavor and Claire Meirowitz
FT Press, 2009
8 Podcast
Matt Abrahams and Glenn Kramon
Stanford Business, 2021

Draft No. 4

On the Writing Process
John McPhee
FSG, 2017