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Build an Inclusive Workplace

Genuinely diverse workforces can do a world of good to make companies more innovative and productive. These five steps will help you build an inclusive workplace.


Be Strategic

Hiring employees from underrepresented groups is just the first step. To make the most of your diverse workforce, enlist the full support for diversity from top management and set clear, ambitious, yet realistic goals.
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Guarantee Psychological Safety

Having a truly inclusive workplace means making sure that everyone's voice is heard. Find out how to make workplace cultures more welcoming to all kinds of people.
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Address Unconscious Bias

Subconscious bias is the most intricate obstacle for achieving inclusive diversity. Learn about the pervasive attitudes and judgments that hold many organizations back and how best to eliminate them.
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Include Diversity in Decision-Making

Include people with diverse ways of thinking in decision-making processes. Reflect on whether you have the appropriate people in the room to connect with diverse groups or make decisions that will affect people you view as “other.”
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Think Beyond Race and Gender

Think beyond race and gender; represent people with disabilities and LGBTQ+ identities as well. Not only can organizations benefit from their unique talents, they will also be able to relate better to their customer base, which is, by nature, diverse as well.
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