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Stay Productive While Working From Home

When working in a traditional office environment, simple routines like getting up at a set time, commuting to the office and physically leaving your workplace at the end of the day give your day a structure. If you work from home, it is you who must become the author of your daily work routine. Start with these 5 steps and let your productivity soar.


Have a Dedicated Workspace

Create a dedicated workspace within your home and keep it free from clutter and physical distractions. Clock in and out as you would in any other out-of-home job.
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Identify Your High-Value Tasks

Instead of getting sidetracked by unimportant tasks, focus on what matters most: high-priority pursuits like self-improvement, relationship building and strategic planning. When you spend most of your time on low-stress but valuable tasks, you have found the sweet spot where productivity and performance balance.
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Allocate Time for Deep Work

Carve out a few distraction-free hours each day to pursue your most important and challenging tasks in a highly concentrated fashion. Let your employees and coworkers know what these hours are by blocking off your schedule or marking your online status accordingly.
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Organize Your Communication

Thoroughly familiarize yourself with all the communication and collaboration tools you have available and know their intended purpose. Practice appropriate digital etiquette.
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Limit Your Working Hours

Don't let work seep into the rest of your life. Set a sensible schedule and stick to it. Make sure to carve out time for leisure, including socializing, exercising and pursuing your favorite hobbies.
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