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Lead Through Change

Some things never change. Other things change way too fast. Learn how to go with the flow without getting swept away.


Start with Yourself

The one element in the change management process that you completely govern is yourself. Change efforts begin with knowing who you are and what unconscious factors drive your decisions, then linking that Self with the greater world.
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Embrace Agility

Leaders who operate in a fast-changing business environment don’t fear change. Stay current, adopt new strategies and try new approaches. If one tactic doesn’t work, move briskly to another.
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Prioritize resources and narrow people’s focus. Focusing on fewer things will boost teams’ effectiveness, innovation and productivity while also increasing people’s openness to change. 
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Promote Trust

Trust creates the safe and supportive space people need to embrace change. Foster an organizational culture based on trust and collaboration.
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Master Uncertainty

Develop the ability to anticipate change and exploit potentially disruptive developments to your advantage. 
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